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Spirit green

Spirit green by Forgione Telai (Italy)

Spirit green

Spirit green road frame, custom made, for my friend Nello, in Columbus Omnicrom steel from the Spirit series, made entirely by hand without the use of machines.

Racing/Road bike Spirit green New Spirit green road frame, made to measure, for his friend Nello, in Columbus Omnicrom steel from the Spirit series, made entirely by hand without the use of machines. with the following components:
Tapered head tube for external headset,

for the new 1 "1 / 8-1" 1/4 Columbus Futura full carbon tapered fork,

joining of the tubes in Silver Fillet Brazed at low temperature.

Internal passages of the cables in stainless steel


Frame with customized Columbus Omnicrom tubes Spirit in Silver Fillet Brazed
Head Tube tapered head tube for external headset
Internal cable glands special tubes in super light stainless steel
Fork Columbus Futura 1 "1 / 8-1" 1/4 tapered full carbon fork.

In this case I followed the customer's instructions to carry out:

  • The tapered fork using Columbus Futura tubes.
  • An exclusive choice of unique color and stamping of the frame with dedication

A modern bicycle with an ancient tradition. All the experience of Forgione looms at your service for a truly special final result. The numbering of the frame with visible digits makes it recognizable and difficult to steal.

Sales price 1750,00 €
Price / kg:
Montaggi bundle Tooltip