I refer to that brief article because at the time, Mario had also made a short video that you can find on the page, showing the track bike just assembled and placed on a stand in his house.
Looking at it today, it seems like it was just yesterday and it seemed like I had just talked to Mario a few days ago. Then I wondered: how will my Canadian Forgione do on the track?
I wrote to Mario who replied very politely:
Hi Vincenzo,Nice to hear from you, I hope you are doing well.
I first want to apologize for not returning your email last time, I've been quite busy and things slip my mind quite easily...
also I want to say that I did see your latest website and it looks pretty good, everything is very professional! in that subject, I have also been working on an online business, check it out (www.themousecradle.com)
I will take pictures this weekend and send them to you.
take care, kind regards
And in fact, the response came a few days later with the photos that you see on this page.

Of course, I want to thank Mario for his kindness and availability and invite all my old customers to do the same by sending me their photos with Forgione bikes!