Vincenzo had done it because he wanted a bike that was truly his own and that best responded to his requests.

Frame number one by Forgione Telai
Frame number one by Forgione Telai

It can be said that the bike has held up well: it is still in use for the most difficult and demanding rides.

The creation of that handcrafted frame led to the birth of Forgione Telai only after years. The intent was not commercial but to make a bicycle that was at the highest level by hand.

This is the fruit of the passion and the game that has then involved an increasingly large group of cycling enthusiasts .

The very name chosen to make the frames a little shows how the initial intent was not to make frames for a trade: the brand of an Italian bicycle with a completely English name!

When the closest friends saw the complete bike, at first they were a little incredulous.

Bicycle number 10 of the amateur production Forgione from 1995
Bicycle number 10 of the amateur production Forgione from 1995

Someone said it would shatter on the first challenging descent. Others were betting on how many days that handmade bicycle would last.

Vicenzo, however, knew his business. Those who know him well know that he does not embark on a business, even if he is an amateur, if he does not have clear ideas about what to do and if he does not feel sure of what he is doing.

In any case, at the beginning I think I "risk" only on himself and he tried the bicycle on the same routes he had done with his DIAMOND BACK with which he had started the off-road routes.

Strength test done in the laboratory on Forgione chassis components
Strength test done in the laboratory on Forgione chassis components

Laboratory tests had assured him that the stresses his frame could withstand were far greater than the maximum possible on a mountain bike trail.

Sometimes you just have to try to believe.

And so it was.

Vincenzo Forgione during a MTB race in the late 80s
Vincenzo Forgione during a MTB race in the late 80s

All the tests went well and amidst the disbelief of the friends the desire to have a "blacksmith" made by Vincenzo began to make its way.

Gradually the bikes have been increasing and a part of the historical photo catalog of Forgione bikes and frames is contained in our photo page.

Practically all the frames marked "Blacksmith Cycles" were made in the years '95 -'98 only for Vincenzo's longtime friends

There are those who ride with pride even today with bicycles with that brand, hurrying to specify "You don't know that this is a very exclusive Forgione line" :)

Vincenzo and Carmine together with one of the
Vincenzo and Carmine together with one of the "blacksmith Cycles" bicycles (later Forgione Telai)
Detail of the Calma frame made with the name
Detail of the Calma frame made with the name "blackmisth Cycles" by Forgione Telai